Muriel's Gallery

I thought to put together a Gallery of work by Muriel, my Mother.

I didn't want to mix her work with mine -although there are some overlaps. Most of the work is as she left them several years ago. Some have had a bit of work done on them by me but mostly to hold things inplace or to carry on a line where she left off. When these pieces came to me I had no idea what to do with them but it seemed a shame to lock them away again in boxes and drawers. Some pieces in this gallery have already found new homes with relatives and friends.

Muriel's work ranged, depending on how and wat she fancied. An O level course in Calligraphy was mastered. Then came Silk Painting, Needle Felting,  lost wax printing on fabric. For years Mu had produced pressed flower cards and pictures. Her free machine embroidery was exquisite. All in all my Mother with her lifetime skills as a Tailor and dressmaker, designer and artist is a hard act to follow.

Not all Mu's work is in this Gallery, some went to homes many years ago, some has never been photographed but stays in a drawer for the time being, some will appear in my Gallery of Work and I will say which ones these are and what extra work has been added by me.