You may find -if you care to stay a while- that this website is a little like a Patchwork Quilt.

There are things left over from earlier makings, like the web address, and things not quite finished, like page content. There will also be some things gone forever from the original site and other things snuck in and added on. There are other things only to be what'ed of. Even I don't know where they went or how to get them back - well not at the time of writing this- BUT, one never knows what will pop up in the future.

In it's first conception the site was all about growing tea. You can still find things about tea on the Gardening Tea Page and of course the site domain address is still in action. I did think of changing the site address, but with a bit of thought decided to keep some of the old bits and work them into the new design.

The Site Patchwork Quilt has New pages added,

        A little Background,  where I can introduce you to what's been going on here in the garden and other things what we are a doing of. 

       Garden Gallery, lots of photo's of the Garden in all it's Glory Season by Season. Some of the images will be from years gone by and more recent Seasons

             Tea,  where we can catch up on where and how the Bushes are and how things are getting on.

        Gallery of Work and Muriel's Gallery,                                                                                                                                                                    these two pages have the Story of the way New work of an Artistic Nature began again here in 2019/2020. Lot's of                photo's and more.....

         Cabin by a Pond.......  something coming but not yet